Signs of Termites and Termite Damage
These tiny pests, the size of an ant destroy homes in Sandnes by gnawing through wooden frames and structures supporting the building and inside it.
Since they feed on wood/cellulose they can also destroy wooden furniture, cabinets, cupboards and books if the infestation is not brought under control. People in Sandnes often do not notice signs of termites in their homes since these pests create tunnels through wooden structures making it impossible to detect their presence.
How To Identify Termite Presence In Your Home
It is often not easy to know of the presence of termites in your home, because you can neither see, nor hear them. These little pests could be busy tearing your home down, without you knowing it – since they usually work in places not easily accessible by you.
While it might not always be easy to detect the existence of termites in your home, you can keep a watch for signs that give them away. There are a number of ways of knowing if you are dwelling with termite infested and the most common methods are:
Structural damage
If the exterior or interior of your home shows signs of damage, it could be due to termites. The most common signs of termites are –
- Distinctive tunneling on wooden surfaces
- Damaged wood work; such as doors, doorframes etc
- Weakened plasterboard or gypsum board
- Crumbling Paint
While the above are obvious signs of a termite invasion it in no way means that areas of your abode that appear fine are not affected by these pests. Termites have a knack of working on the inside of wooden structures – so chances are that a something that looks absolutely fine on the outside, has actually been made hollow on the inside by termites. Check the condition of wooden structures frequently, to ensure they are not under a termite attack.
Dirt Tunnels
You will find dirt tunnels in homes where termites are present. Termites do not move around in the light, so they create these tubes, which they use as passage ways. The tubes can be identified easily – they are roughly the same diameter as a straw and are the color of saw dust. They can be found running along walls, doorways, floors, garden, etc in termite infested areas.
Sighting of Winged Insects
If you notice termite swarms in and around your house, it is an obvious sign that they have invaded your space. Swarms are most common between January and June and that is a time you can face a severe termite infestation if you are not watchful.
Termites in the Neighborhood
Residing in a neighborhood that has a termite problem is reason enough for you to be on your guard. Termites move under the ground through a network of tunnels – if they have been found destroying a neighbor’s property, be sure your place will be a target sooner or later.
- Check your wooden fence or gate regularly for signs of a termite attack.
- Look for termite mounds near your property.
- Examine trees in your garden for termite infestation -Termites do not live on dead wood alone; they also feast on live trees.
- Clear dead trees, mulch or heaps of dead leaves from your garden, as these are food for termites and will attract them into your space.
Final Word
Though it is nearly impossible to detect an infestation of termites as soon as it happens, it is possible to control the menace through constant checks by looking for signs of termites. You also have a choice of calling in skadedyrkontroll Sandnes professionals that will secure your property against termite infestations.
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